


尽管他们目前的系统还在运行, the Marine Corps knew they could simplify their maintenance system by moving closer to the storage facilities located 50 miles away. The Marine Corps turned to 澳门足彩app to design and build a new MV-22 Hangar facility to reduce the turnaround time on aircraft maintenance from eight hours to approximately two hours at Air Station New River.


当团队准备在新河扩建滑行道和停机坪时, they determined the soil underneath the taxiway and apron was an unsuitable construction foundation. 幸运的是, the 澳门足彩app project team collaborated with the Government’s civil engineer to find a solution to provide cement stabilization and install an underdrain system below the apron without compromising the location.


以前, the air station was home to six squadrons but only able to house five of them permanently, 也就是说总要有一个中队被部署. The new Marine Corps facility has plenty of room for all deployable squadrons – making it the largest Marine Corps facility in the world. 这个设施, 设计达到LEED®金牌认证, 包括一个机库, 购物空间, 航线操作空间, 两架飞机的洗涤架和维修功能.

  • 263,000 SF设计建造多层
  • 1250个空间,零净停车场和光伏农场
  • 2英里的道路建设
  • 航海罗经玫瑰
  • 66号建筑,000 SY沥青平行滑行道, 1,825,000平方英尺的混凝土停机坪扩建和棒球/足球场综合设施
  • Day-lighting controls and sensors with added high bay translucent windows in the hangar wall and door to reduce lighting energy
  • 停车场上的光伏板产生现场能源, 避免使用敏感的绿色空间,并为车辆提供遮阳
  • Net Zero Energy parking garage creating excess energy to be utilized by the hangar
  • 高效节能的LED照明
  • 太阳能热水
  • 节水和收获
  • 广泛使用IMP和低冲击设计(LID)
  • High-efficiency air-cooled chillers that include heat recovery condenser barrels utilized to make “free” heating hot water
  • 低流量水装置
  • 能量回收通风机用于预先调节进入的通风空气
  • VAV with over-sized duct work for lower duct pressure losses which greatly reduced fan operating costs year round
  • 非常紧凑和节能的建筑围护结构
  • LEED®金牌认证


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